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Comments (4)

Vandyk - 6 July 03:40

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Diedra - 6 February 08:18

Le matin, de bonne heure, j'allumai mon poste de T. A tâtons, je finis par trouver Radio-Conakry.

Stefania - 21 June 22:32

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Ruddell - 28 February 10:47


Lolita - 12 July 16:51

Good, partway through the video I was thinking Okay, there has to be some kind of downside to getting early menopause, or else it seems like a lot of people would really want to get it early and then you went and explained the downsides of early menopause! This is excellent content, I hope there are lots of health teachers out there who have days where they just watch your videos.

Lucilla - 15 February 09:15

Why this guy habe blue nails

Rothchild - 30 April 05:17
