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Comments (5)

Olive - 11 May 12:03

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Petitt - 22 December 06:15

Une nouvelle fois, la communication ministérielle zappe les CPE.

Fenchel - 13 September 06:43

I think its especially worth mentioning also waht sexual abuse looks like. ive met kids who have obviously been sexually abused but deny it because blow jobs aren't really sex and he only told me to do it so i can prove that i love him and it's heartbreaking.

Thad - 27 May 14:36

Que mimosa

Rocky - 6 June 13:03

If I have a preference for black women, I don't necessarily think black women are superior to women of other races, even when talking about perceived attractiveness. Just because I find a certain skin color more attractive (and the features that typically accompany it), doesn't mean I believe they are objectively more attractive. If I thought black women are more attractive than white women only because black women's traits are superior to those of white women, then I would be exhibiting racist behavior.

Conrad - 14 December 15:33

I always feel vaguely uncomfortable when Lindsay does things that seem to be purposefully arousing. At what point is this channel going branch out to more explicit educational videos?

Brandon - 10 November 05:43

Gross :(