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Comments (4)

Markita - 14 November 11:40

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Menton - 19 April 10:24

Ей нравится подглядывать И она совсем не против того, на которой начала позировать, показывая себя с разных сторон, но не открывая вид на прелести.

Chavana - 3 September 21:47

I haven't had an exam in almost two decades. The first time I did, the woman doing the exam used the metal speculum and just shoved it in. Being a virgin, it was excruciating. I also tilt to the side and it ended up causing some bleeding for a couple of days. It's been about 13 years since my last sexual encounter, and I haven't been back. That first visit has be terrified that someone is going to be careless, again and cause some real damage.

Menton - 9 August 03:12

I'm thinking about how Labels seem to overlap now that we have so many more of them, and are constantly creating more to include more people. I was curious about how, to me, the way Peter was describing who he likes sounded like how pansexu

Bibi - 16 June 08:45


Fenchel - 27 May 13:39

For a very average looking woman, she had that cock absolutely rigid. Often this is the case for woman who are plain. They have a special sexiness about them in private. I like the fact that she ended up with sticky fingers. Wifey taking care of her dude.

Star - 1 July 15:00


Russell - 29 January 10:20

Nice cum sharing!