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Comments (10)

Jefferds - 30 August 08:19

Veux caresse chez moi lit, moi ici triste quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Colasamte - 7 July 05:38

Elle était introuvable depuis trois ans. C'est finalement à Los Angeles que Ghislaine Maxwell, soupçonnée d'avoir joué un rôle clé dans le réseau de prostitution de son richissime ami, aurait été retrouvée.

Hidden - 7 May 16:23


Alejandro - 2 July 02:29


Nicky - 21 November 12:07

Reconócelo: te gusta mi polla.

Kirby - 4 December 06:38

If I didn't give verbal consent, was drunk (he wasn't and was also mentally unwell (he didn't know). Yet willingly followed him (allbeit not realising he wanted sex). But at no point said no and went along with it because I felt I had to. would that mean no consent. Because the thing is I know for me that I didn't consent, but my following him, not saying no, and his lack of knowledge of my mental health surely means that although I didn't consent he assumed I had?