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Comments (3)

Schuchman - 5 February 15:15

Coince sur photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin aujourd’hui rencontre et de passer du temps ensemble, et la belette je nomination.

Maratre - 29 April 14:39

Mais Elie Nahas n'y sera pas.

Savi - 9 May 17:10

Over the course of a full weekend, I don't think we'd ever leave the bed. She makes me stiff.

Mcdermott - 2 December 19:04

3. The erections pretty much calmed down until my senior prom: I had lost my virginity and that pretty much took away the perma-boner! Being a Christian, I sought to practice abstinence outside of marriage (didn't always succeed at that), so by senior prom my little friend was hulking out again! Bad combo: awkward social rite, long time friend I was crushing out on, and boxers. How could I NOT get a boner! She and I never talked about it, even to this day. That would be an interesting conversation for the 20th reunion!

Graham - 16 February 14:18

puto viejo ni se le para que se vengan con migo a ver si no las voy hacer berrear

Freddy - 7 December 02:44

Dude, she is ripe for the taking. Matures just want to be sure you find their body sexy.

Cazares - 27 May 17:32

Cute nerd. Think she needs sex. Get a life girlie.