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Comments (9)

Ringus - 27 November 08:40

Veux bien passer temps entoure seduction chatons. Je suis toujours prete a aider qualitativement passer du temps.

Mure - 13 December 11:34

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Position du 69, Cunnilingus. Bouche bebe, je souhaite poumon liens poursuivre.

Dillon - 29 May 23:29

I know this isn't about asexuality but it should be! It's been three years since the last asexuality video :(.

Kinan - 19 September 19:41

Actually, in that context you are using transgender (as well as male, female and genderqueer as an adjective. It would be a noun if you said I'm A transgender. or I'm A male. In your sentences, it's just like saying I'm short. or I'm tall.

Harrison - 9 March 13:45

It's now a happy Tuesday! Haha informative entertaining as always. Thanks L&N!

Lyndsay - 3 February 13:08

Lol, erotophilia. It sounds like a sexual attraction to sexual attraction.

Victorina - 3 February 13:29

From 3 minutes, when the guy with the bigger cock starts fucking her she's really having fun. I'd love to see more.

Alejandro - 11 April 15:09

Sent you nombre

Alda. Age: 25
Noemi. Age: 24
Albertina. Age: 29