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Comments (8)

Joanie - 14 December 10:31

Je suis detendu et sans complexes! Je viendrai a toi. Tu caresser dans tous les endroits.

Thaddeus - 1 April 05:01

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Brannon - 21 June 03:54

I think it can be a lot more subtle than that. i've felt violated after sex because i felt that i had to consent, not out of fear of violence, but out of a fear of emotional consequences. there were no explicit threats, but i felt manipulated into having sex, even though my partner didn't realize that their actions had this effect on me. this isn't violence, but isn't consent, and it's a really great way to ruin your sex life.

Bryon - 15 December 07:53

BTW, I' m not sure about you Invictus but I don' t fuck makeup.

Carlise - 30 October 20:15

To put my reasoning simply, I believe that you explain something that has defined and confused our society (sex so well that everyone *needs the information you place on your channel. You do it better than any sex ed teacher I've ever known.

Roderick - 16 December 12:27

it is good

Anton - 25 June 05:45

good boobs & tits

INES. Age: 22
Julia. Age: 20
Emmy. Age: 26